With all this buying I've got too much exposure and more positions than I want to deal with. Cfx has done well this morning, it's up 5 at 168.5, but because it's a relatively small position and not likely to be terribly explosive I'm getting out of it. Sold some at 167.5 (v 167) with a few to go. Of my other longs, Ozl is up 2 at 92 and is charting bullishly so I'm happy to continue running my August 90 calls. Tel, however, has drifted lower as it looks like one or more principal traders at the big brokers have been obliged to take on stock from a keen seller. I'm making that assumption on the basis of 4 crossings of 150 to 250 thousand stock at what looks like gradually declining levels. I had planned to sell my stock at 220 but wasn't aggressive enough to dump it early on.
2.22 The market has drifted sideways in a very tight range since soon after the open. I suppose everyone is waiting for the last half hour or so as things hot up on the last day of the financial year. It's like the middle overs of a one day cricket match with nobody taking any risks until the final slog.
2.43 Out of Cfx at 169 (v 167) while Tel is starting to firm up. Decent lines of stock are still changing hands but at 220 recently so the pressure is easing. I'm still trying to sell some at 220.
3.21 Things are starting to hot up with the Spi moving towards the top of the range. The same basic bullish set up is being repeated in a lot of the top 50 stocks eg Cwn, Map, Nws, Sgp, Sun, Wow. I've chosen the positions a little randomly, perhaps with the idea that the resource sector will move more explosively. I've also added another long position, which is stretching things, in Newcrest. I went early on this the other day and was chopped out but the signal is better now and confirmed the break trading above 3070 soon after I paid 3065. It is sitting around 3068 now.
4.12 Interestingly, the wild action of previous quarter and year ends hasn't happened. It's possible that the warnings about ramping etc from the Stock Exchange have been heeded. I sold out a few Bhp at 3472 (v 3435), Bxb at 596 (v 592 av.) and half of my Tel for square at 218 in a modestly bullish match out.