Wednesday, September 30, 2009
End of quarter. Wed Sep 30
I haven't done any trading this morning and my positions have barely moved. It's 11.15 now and the market is down 2 points.
Lynas have announced the details of their fund raising. A one for one issue at 45 cents which would give an adjusted price of 67.5 as the shares were trading at 90 - ie split the difference between the two prices. It's not as simple as that though because there's an additional placement so I'll see the official adjusted price when it re-opens tomorrow.
2.06 This has been the quietest day for a few weeks. No new trades and precious little movement with the market still down 2 points. Vba is doing quite well, up 2 at 44.5.
3.32 Just to shake things up, the market has moved out of a tight trading range, now down 14 points.
4.11 The quarter has ended with the market down 10 points on a quiet day. Now that brokers and institutions are watched closely for dodgy window dressing at the end of quarters, it's possible that it's now the least likely of days in the calendar for anything slightly interesting to happen.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
New highs. Tue Sep 29

Vba has broken through previous highs at 43 on its way to a day's high of 44. This has been a choppy rally so far and I'd like to see it gain momentum. I think it's possible but again I've only bought half because I want to wait until the close.

3.27 Mre surprised me slightly with continued strength and a breakout at 97 so long now at 97.5.
4.00 Ouch. Just stopped out of Ifn at 146 (v 144) as it reversed on the day only to see it bounce back into the close. I'm happy to be out but irritated that I didn't go earlier when I put on the Mre trade.
4.10 The market has finished in the afternoon's tight trading range but up 76 points at a new closing high. I decided not to add to Bly and Vba as they didn't quite finish on their highs although they closed quite bullishly. Long Bly, Lyc, Mre and Vba and short Ipl.
I'm having trouble limiting myself to 3 positions. I think the issue is that I get 1 to 2 new trades a day which means I need to be selling out 1 to 2 every day and therefore holding for a 2 day period. It's possible, firstly, that 3 positions is unrealistic, 4 to 5 might cover it and, secondly, that I should be quicker to cut positions. This goes against a lot of trading folklore (and rational theory) but I'm trying to get on stocks as they're surging so if I wait for a trailing stop I'm often giving up most of my profit and increasing - say, doubling - the time that the money is at risk in a particular trade. I'm experimenting with using a simple trailing stop on the 60 minute chart but only when the stock has just been surging.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Losing the arm wrestle. Mon Sep 28

I've looked through more charts and the shorting opportunities definitely outnumber the bullish set ups. I'm planning to short Ipl later on - we've got an attempted rally right now - as I realise that it broke down on Friday but rallied with the overall market only to reconfirm the breakdown this morning.
2.42 The market has rallied a fair way off its lows now; down 40 points from a low of down nearly 70. I sold a few Ipl earlier at 288. I've been fairly cautious about selling too many as I expected some sort of intraday rally, but it hasn't really eventuated.
3.54 I've stopped out of Lnc at 169 (v 178), two days too late and blotting my copybook after selling out half at 198 last week. I'd given it a few hours to rally with the market, which is now down 33 points, but it didn't manage to get started.
4.12 The market has closed with the Xjo index down by 36 points. Ifn is the standout performer for me today, up 7.5 at 147.5. I stopped out of Mig and Lnc. I'm still long Lyc by default as it's suspended and I sold a few more Ipl at 288 in the match as it closed near the lows.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Tired and emotional. Fri Sep 25

I've cut Pna and Vba with very tight stops but I've given myself looser stops in Ifn and Lnc because they are moving more explosively. I'm not sure if that's a good approach. There's a kind of logic to it but essentially it's driven by the fear of missing out on a big move. Having said that, Ifn and Lnc have fallen to support and held - so far - so the damage is done and maybe I'll get the resumption of the strong trends.
The main story of the day for me is Lynas where the government has asked China Non-Ferrous Metal Mining to reduce their proposed stake to below 50 percent which has prompted them to walk away from the deal. It's probably good for Lynas as the deal was struck at the market lows in March at a price of 36 c compared to the last traded price of 90. However, it means that there'll now be an issue - perhaps 1:1 or 1:2 -at a discount to the last traded price which may not be good for my trading book. Just before the stock was due to re-open for trading with the match price showing the initial trade prediction at 74 c, the stock was once more suspended presumably pending an issue.
12.27 Well, a frustrating couple of days continues. I was stopped out of Vba at 40 and it has reversed to be up on the day. The overall market is also bouncing, just off 25 points now, but Ifn, Lnc and Mig are going nowhere and Lyc is suspended.
1.47 The market is now down a mere 10 points but my positions remain static. Looking through the charts, I don't see anything compelling. Bly is possibly setting up for another leg up but I'd need to wait until Monday.
3.30 It's turned into quite a dramatic day really, up 17 points now. Mig is up a little at 153.5, while Lnc and Ifn are off their lows. Looking at the biggest movers in the top 200 by percentaged gained, there isn't anything shooting the lights out, it's more that most stocks have shifted back up a notch or two, indicating that there's a lot of caution around.
4.14 Nothing much to add. Market up 12 points.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Reluctant to drop. Thu Sep 24
The Australian market could have been forgiven for falling 50 points or so after commodites also eased off but at 10.32 am we're only down 18 points after an initial 40 point drop.
I sold out most of my Ifn opportunistically at 146 as it was firm into the opening but tired on the 60 minute chart. I'm trying to buy it back in the low 140's. I've bought some at 143.5.
Lyc is still suspended from trade but there's the suggestion that the China deal may have been approved. I assume that would be positive.
11.57 The market has worked it's way back to a small drop of 8 points. Most of my positions are close to unchanged in line with the general trend. I'm loath to look at new stocks as I'd rather reduce my position size; it's possible we'll get a surprise up day which could create a short term peak.
1.06 I left the office just after the last comment and the rally stalled about then. The market is now down 33 points and I've decided to sell out of Mig. While it hasn't stopped me out, it also hasn't gone anywhere since the brief flurry after I bought 4 days ago.
1.21 Migjudged my exit from Mig. It was strongly bid at 150 but that disappeared quickly and I've stopped out at 149 (v 150).
4.02 No charts in the post today. I've tried to do as little as possible because I'm still looking for a new high. The one thing I did was to sell out of Mig but even that has bounced back and of course, it hadn't broken support. I did actually get a signal to stop out of Lnc but having done well with a speculative exit of a bit more than half of my position yesterday, I've decided to look for it to hold support at around 178-180.
The market bottomed at about 2.30 and is back to a 22 point loss.
4.11 A blip down on the match for a close of down 33 points. I bought most of the Infigen back at 143.5 over the day, having sold at 146.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Normal service is resumed. Wed Sep 23

1.35 I'm out of Bly at 31.5 (v 30.5) as it's moving more slowly than I'd hoped and I need to reduce my portfolio size. Bought more Infigen to take my average up to 144.5. Lynas is in suspend now, until Friday morning possibly, as they plan to make an announcement regarding the China deal.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
On the runway. Tue Sep 22

I've stopped out of Bsl at 310 (v 313) after it traded below yesterday's low of 310 and has been as low as 306. Gpt held support at 66 although it hasn't moved far while Mig opened weaker but is close to square now.
Two of the stocks I've been watching, which I think have the capacity to move explosively, are Linc Energy and Lynas corporation. They've both made buy signals and I've bought them both which means I have 5 positions instead of 3. I'm scratching my head trying to work out which ones to get rid of. I haven't dramatically overspent because although I'm looking at stocks up to a 500 price level, my longs are all under 200 and I tend to buy slightly fewer than my maximum dollar amount for these lower priced stocks because they are more volatile.
Lnc has made a new high and although there's always the possibility that it's one of those marginal new highs followed by a reversal, it certainly looks more like a stock in the early phase of an explosive move. Long at 177.

2.50 Still flat as a tack. Gpt has dropped below 66 so it's going part of the way to resolving my problem of too many stocks. I've sold half out at 66 and I'm on the offer there for the rest.
3.15 Stopped out of Gpt at 66 (v 64).

Monday, September 21, 2009
Doing the filing. Mon Sep 21

I like the way the correction held just above the breakout at 33. It's now forming up bullishly and a break of 40 would be promising, with 43 the next target.
Overall, the market has steadied and is down 18.
3.38 I'm long Mig now at 151 as it has pushed through last Thursday's high of 150. I'm hoping for a surge like in late July.
4.10 Bsl has been disappointing today but is still making higher lows so I'll hold a touch longer. Gpt has had a small pullback; there's a trailing stop set up below 66 now. Mig has spiked up as high as 155 although it has closed at 152 which is still above the break point. The market's down 16 points.
Friday, September 18, 2009
High fliers. Fri Sep 18

The Virgin Blue chart is also quite positive but hasn't made a buy signal.
So, I've got my three long positions but I'm tempted by both Bsl and Lyc. They are both firmer in a weak market and I think they could rally further.
11.58 I sold out of Lnc at 168. With the earlier sales at 173 and a small profit on the extra stock it ends up being an average sale price of 171 (v 162). I'm still very bullish this and it has been a tricky decision to sell out. I've bought a half position in Lyc at 81, because it hasn't quite confirmed the move and because I'm not sure what my target is here.The 60 minute chart below shows that I'm just buying a simple resumption of the uptrend so a 3 wave correction would be a problem.
2.02 The market is a few points off the lows, down 44. Despite the fierce rally from Wednesday morning through to Thursday lunchtime, the Xjo is only up 70 points or 1.4% this week while the S&P 500 index is up a little over 2%. I don't know if the FTSE rebalance will affect us towards the close of trading but otherwise I don't see a lot more downside risk today.
2.58 Bsl has pushed through the old high at 314. I'm long at 313 because I couldn't help myself and bought a bit early. It has worked this time but I don't suppose it does on average. Here's the daily chart.
4.11 Huge volumes on the close as the rebalancing goes through. Bsl got knocked down but still outperformed the market, I'm hoping the pressure will be off the stock now. Gpt finished strongly at 68.5 and Qan held most of the gains to finish at 278. Sold out the last of the Lyc at 82 in the match.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Switching horses. Thu Sep 17
I was tossing up which of Ppx and Sbm to cut last night and left it hanging. Early on, after gold had failed to rally any further than where it was at the end of our session, Sbm looked like it could run. It had no follow through though so I cut the position for square at 31.5.
Ppx was going nowhere either so I cut that too at 65 (v 65.7) especially as the explosive move I was hoping for in Linc Energy started up. I managed to get set at an average of 162 here.
Lyc is struggling to get through the old high of 84 and although I'm tempted to tip it out, the very similar chart in Mpo has made me pause for thought. Here's Molopo's daily chart.
If you compare it to that of Lyc it's apparent that they're very similar and the action in Mpo would suggest there's more room to move.
Both charts are unusual in that the stocks are rallying sharply despite the pullback lows overlapping the preceding highs. This is uncharacteristic of a trending stock except where it's the start of a larger scale pattern which would imply a big run.
11.31 My third long position is in Bsl. There was a lot of Spi related turnover which matched at 307 and the stock has since clawed its way to a gain of 3 at 312. The chart looks hopeful but once again, I realise that I might have been wise to consider two stocks which were on my watch list yesterday in preference to this. Here's Bsl.

Anyway, although this is the sort of thing I'm always looking at, it can be quite easy to have blind spots once you've got into a trade and be unwilling to switch into a better one. Trying to stick to 3 positions seems like it could be a good discipline and I'm happy to work out where I can improve. Having said all that, I'm quite confident about Bsl and I think it's too late to get onto either of the other trades.
1.10 The Xjo index is on its highs, up 99 points at 4749, after another day of the fomo (fear of missing out) rally. Bsl and Lyc are stationary but Lnc has pushed up to 175.5.
2.13 Lyc has tipped my hand and I'm stopping out at 79.5 (v 74.5) as the 60 minute chart just made a sell signal and the daily is a biggish reversal bar on a strong day. I still like it, mind you.

The market has closed up 65 points. Long Gpt and Lnc.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Channel surfing. Wed Sep 16

12.54 Now that the resource stocks are moving again I've stopped out of Aix at 158 (v 163). It's still holding above the 156 support but there are better things around.
1.57 Over the last few weeks I've been thinking about one of my main goals which is to have no more than 3 positions and to trade them in a larger size. Part of the problem with this approach for me is that it can be passive but I'm getting better at limiting my turnover and I'd like to give it more of a go. I've been puzzling over what I think are the best opportunities right now.

3.21 Out of Iof now at 63 (v 60), despite the chart looking fine, on the grounds of focus.
3.35 I've spent more time staring at the screen today than I have for weeks. I usually find it's a very bad idea and leads to overtrading and fatigue but this time I think I might have achieved something. I'm down to 4 stocks; I plan to keep Bsl and Lyc and sell either Ppx or Sbm. My assistant is long Sbm so I'm leaning towards selling that one. I also bought more Lyc at 76.5 to take my average to 74.5.
3.56 Gold is now up 8 dollars at 1015 and although Sbm is still stuck at 31/31.5, the larger gold stocks are running into the close. I might hedge my bets and decide on what to cut in the morning out of Ppx and Sbm as I've got enough room to hold them both. Baby steps, I guess.
4.12 A very strong day with a closing gain of 110 points to finish at the highs around 4650. Long Bsl, Lyc, Ppx and Sbm.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Austar revisited. Tue Sep 15

I would love to have seen this trade below 321, the last lower high, but it held yesterday and could now push up to a minor new high.
Australian Infrastructure is up to new recent highs this morning and it looks like a stock in acceleration mode. I bought Iof in preference to this last Friday but after an inside day yesterday I've got another buying opportunity here. Bought some at 164.
1.50 The early gain of 55 points disappeared and the market retraced 50 points. It has stabilised somewhat to be up 14 points and the rest of the region is similarly placed with US overnight futures slightly lower. I bought a few more Aix, averaging 163, but the stock is only just recovering after losing those early gains. It's 158.5 now. I don't have much to do as I've got a full book and none of the positions require action. I can't see anything compelling enough to switch into either.
4.19 I waited until the close to buy some Mah at 68.5. It looks like a trend resumption after the pullback. I expect it to peak pretty soon so this is a short term trade.
I also bought a few more Iof on the close at 61.5 as they resumed their rally today and made a new high.
I had the same frustrating experience in Aix today as I did yesterday in Lgl where there was a complete reversal with the stock closing right on support at 156. Unlike Lgl, I've decided to hang on to the position because it is on support and has been making new highs. With Lgl, there was always the risk of a lower high.
Overall the market managed a gain of 9 points, presumably fighting the headwind of the FTSE rebalancing into Korea.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Rebalance or retracement? Mon Sep 14

I bought some Lgl this morning at 311 as the stock resumed its rally on the back of the gold price closing above USD 1000 in New York. The buy signal was at 306, although not much was traded there, but I hesitated at 308 then chased it up to 311. The stock is back to 309 now. I'm obviously running the risk that Lgl makes a lower high here but Sbm and Ncm - two other gold stocks - did push on to new highs and, muddying the picture further, Sbm has failed to hold the new level.Just stopped out of the last of the Gbg at 94 (v 86).
12.52 The market has edged lower to be down 1.1% and although I don't necessarily think that we're seeing a top here, I am starting to notice some opportunities on the short side. Right now, I'm looking at Ipl, Map and Ost.

3 Out of Lgl at 303 (v 311). Not a great trade but at least I haven't compounded the error by hanging on in hope. Regardless of what happens later, my primary aim with my trades is to get into strong moves and this clearly isn't one (any more).

4.16 The Xjo index closed down 65 points, about 12 points above the day's low. The rest of the region was also weak and the US futures are down close to 1%. The uptrend is still intact though and I've been trying to avoid picking a top in the market. However, over the last week or two there have been fewer upside opportunities so I've put on a few short positions today. They still look like pullbacks though not downtrends.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Rate sensitive. Fri Sep 11