Thursday, December 31, 2009
Two for the price of one. Thu Dec 31
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Sleepy hollow. Wed Dec 30
The 60 minute chart has the look of a completed 5 wave pattern about it.
I'm using the 10 minute chart for trading signals. I got short 3 at 4855 and bought 1 back at 4847 at a minimum target, 1 at 4841 as it bounced off yesterday's 4839 support and the last at 4845 as a trailing stop was triggered. It's $25 a point so profit was 8 points plus 14 plus 10 or 32 points for $800 less 9 dollars cost.
I've decided to use fairly tight stops most of the time in Spi trading as I don't want to be glued to the screen all day. My scenario for the day is that the Spi should go and test the recent low around 4815. Ideally this will hold around 4840 and rally for a while so that I'll have a chance to get short again.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
High season. Tue Dec 29
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Stationery village. Thu Dec 24

Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Almost there. Wed Dec 23

4.25 The Spi continued sideways, still in a tight range from the low 4720s to the 30s so with a few minutes to go I've sold the last contract out at 4726. Average sale price was 4731 for a gain of 18 points on 3 contracts. At AUD$25 a point, that's 1350 less costs of about $9.
As for my two stock positions from Monday and Tuesday, I'm still long them. Csr was up 3 today and Lgl defied the drop in the gold price to rally 2 to 317, just below my 318 entry.
A quick postscript. In the last few moments the Spi shot up to reach the new high. I thought it would get there but I wasn't sure if it would do it today and given that there was the possibility of a slip back to the breakout thought it best to just get out. Shame though.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Shorters away. Tue Dec 22

Yesterday's trade in Lihir Gold is down in line with the gold price fall but holding support.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Easing down. Mon Dec 21

In early October and early November there were good rallies after a congestion. On both of those occasions you didn't need to buy on the reversal because a 1-2-3 buy signal was formed. These last two rallies took the stock to new highs but I don't necessarily expect that this time. I do think there can be a quick move to 340 or a little higher if it's a straight reversal. If it forms a slower buy signal then I'll probably hold a little longer ie wait it out through a correction.
If the stock goes to 310 then it's on red alert to stop out. In practise, I'd probably allow it another two or three cents leeway.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Just hanging in. Fri Dec 18

Collateral damage for me this morning is stopping out of Lgl at 312 (v 329) as the dollar strength led to commodity weakness and a $40 drop in the gold price. Conversely, I've cut my All short at 395 (v 390) as their USD earnings have increased in value with the AUD back to .884.
I've also sold the last of my Mgr at 154.5 (v 149), a bit prematurely and sold the balance of Ost at 314 (v 303). This last one was a straight reversal - at least my trade entry was on a reversal - and I almost sold out last night as I'd been long a few days and often that's enough with these. It still looks reasonably bullish though.

2.15 Despite the market continuing to rally - down 35 now - I'm still cautious and have cut my half position in Tse at 399 (v 397). I feel like it's forming a pennant and there's a lot of resistance up top if it's to get a move on. I might have got out just in time because it has just slipped to 395.

Thursday, December 17, 2009
Spi expiry. Thu Dec 17

12.05 Decided to err on the side of caution and exit All at 386 (v 385.5). I'm not necessarily expecting a new low and on the upside I could easily get another entry at a better price.

I've also sold more Mgr at 154.5 (v 149). I've only got a third of the position left and I'll look to sell that tomorrow. Yesterday was a small reversal day and we've got new highs today but it has done well enough to leave a few for the morning.
The market has reversed again and is down 7 points.
4.17 It was a mad day and another swing took us to an 8 point gain. Here's an intraday Xjo chart.
I'm cautious overall now as the daily Xjo reversal looks shaky now. I've been reducing position size mainly and sold a few more Gff at 154.5 and bought a few Aio at 168. I missed the chance to complete Tse, I'll wait till tomorrow to decide.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
A degree of consistency. Wed Dec 16
It's approaching 11.30 am and we are indeed up 14 points and 30 points above a briefly weaker open. Most of my positions are performing quite well with Cey up 9 at 362 and Aoe up 9 at 402 being the standouts.
I closed out the last of the Ozl short position at 115 (v 118).

I was so busy trying to eke a few more cents out of the remnants of a short position that I didn't see the potential set up on the fourth bar back. It still would have been a marginal one to take but a good example of not wanting a perfect elliott wave count before taking a position. For example, you could interpret the turning point 4 to 6 bars back as a failed 5th wave low and a reversal.
The next one is Csr where I was debating taking a position but was cautious that momentum seemed too strong on the downside still. Not the worst logic but the opportunity to get long at about 165 with a stop at 160 versus a target in the high 170's meant that the risk/reward was roughly 2 to 1 in my favour and a reasonable trade.

4.15 The closing figure was a drop of 12 points. No new trades today, I just closed out odds and ends. So, sold out a couple more Cey at 361 (v 336) and bought a few Aio at 171 (v 172.5). I'm still expecting a squeeze up for Christmas.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Mood swing. Tue Dec 15

As anticipated last night, I got confirmation of buy signals in Aoe, Bsl and Lgl and have taken them all on simple reversals.
Here's Aoe, long at 396.Bsl, long at 286.....
...and Lgl, long at 329. Actually, this is more of a tight 1-2-3 buy signal after a double bottom while in Bsl, I'm pre-empting a breakout after an a-b-c pullback following a wave 1.

4.14 The final figure is up 19. I sold out a few Cey at 353 (v 336) on the close and bought back half of the Ozl at 116 (v 118) as it was a new low after a retracement against me.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Spluttering to the line. Mon Dec 14
I closed out the last of my short position in Awc at 165.5 (v 165.25) as it spiked on the open. I've been hanging on for a minor new low and had actually been wondering whether I should close out since the risk/reward (I was only looking for a few more cents on the downside) was no longer in my favour and momentum had stalled.

12.10 Closed out the last of the short in Fxj at 164 (v 160). A little unlucky here, just missed buying it on the back foot at 160 and 161 this morning. Fairfax is an optional sort of buy here having made a higher low and pushed through Friday's high after grinding down for 6 days. I'm not enthusiastic though because my stop would be at 155 initially and it's in a trading range so I'm not convinced there's a lot of upside in the short term.

Friday, December 11, 2009
Flotsam and jetsam. Fri Dec 11

There's a fairly clear 5 wave pattern on the daily chart so it's a question of whether the 5th wave is complete and the stock is ready for a retracement. There was one false dawn about 2 weeks back. I've bought most of my position at an average price of 386.

4.05 Leading into the match the market looks like closing on its highs. My new short position in Cgf traded down to 399 confirming the break but has blipped back up with the market firming. I bought a few more Gff at 154.5 (v 159.5) and Tse at 384 (v 399). Aio is close to a cut but I want to wait till Monday with this.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Push me - pull you. Thu Dec 10

4.15 A small rally in the last half hour left the Xjo index down 31 points. I've left most positions unchanged, 2 longs and 7 shorts. I bought back a third of my short Tse position at 389 (v 399). In the last 10 minutes, I've read 3 different technical opinions, all of them urging caution. Daniel Goulding and "Charlie Chartchecker" are quoted on FNArena and David Rogers, the Dow Jones news wires technical analyst is the third.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Greek tragedy. Wed Dec 9
It has been a non trending period for most markets as bullish momentum has ceased and been replaced with range trading. My opinion has been that we were very close to a top and in Australia had probably seen it. For the sake of my trading I'd like to see a downtrend set in, a retracement of the rally since March. I think that will probably develop but until then what we're getting instead is a lot of reversals with little follow through. This has led me into the room of mirrors to think about strategy and my conclusion is to take the reversals as early as possible and get out quick. If a stock is in a genuine trend then I'll try to run a position for longer, as I've been doing in Awc, but otherwise it's guerilla stuff.

I bought back a couple of Djs today at 544 (v 561.5). Again, it's in a trading range so it's more a judgement call as to when to buy rather than in a clear trend when the ideal is to run the position for as long as possible. Otherwise most of my positions finished respectably with Fmg peeling back to 414 by the end.